NiSiPharm has been a project partner to the Rx pharmaceutical industry since 2008: as strategic partner for consulting, interim or project management and operational support.
We accompany pharmaceutical companies in all phases of the product life cycle: from launch to marketing of pharmaceuticals.
NiSiPharm is a reliable partner for marketing, PR, multichannel, patient affairs or medical marketing projects in Germany and internationally. We offer customized solutions in outsourcing projects: awareness initiatives, event coordination, PR campaigns, website management, multichannel marketing and marketing quality.
The NiSiPharm team unites experienced marketing experts in the pharmaceutical fields of Rx therapeutics, vaccines and biologics.
We are certified according to ISO 9001:2015. This means we have defined our core processes and standardized business processes, including time recording.
We create space so you can concentrate on other challenges – or simply take a deep breath more often.
Strategic consulting, project or interim management, pharmaceutical marketing, events: this is where we are active and create free space for you.
Get to know the NiSiPharm team: bundled pharmaceutical and marketing expertise with a variety of focus areas. And one goal: the best performance for your project.
A quick question, an initial meeting or a specific project inquiry: we look forward to hearing from you.
"You have a challenge for which you need support: then let us find the solution together."
"So you can concentrate on your next task, we provide support in all processes required to complete the project in the best possible way."
"When customers say: 'You've really created space for my other projects' - now that's a really good moment."
NiSiPharm GmbH
Kirchwegallee 11a
61197 Florstadt
Phone: +49 6035 60 23 623
Fax: +49 6035 60 23 624
We are certified:
“Your successful projects are our goal.”
Dr. Silke Sittner,
Founder & Managing Director