Monday, November 6, 2023, 4:30 a.m. Dr. Silke Sittner‘s alarm clock rings. It’s off to the fall conference of Healthcare Frauen e.V. in Berlin.
The network that stands up for women in the healthcare industry – and for controversial topics that still receive too little attention in 2023.
Okay, the day started too early.
But it was worth it (as always), says Silke Sittner and brings back these thoughts from the trip…
“There is still a lot to do: whether it’s care structures based on the family image of the 1950s, the lack of women’s health on the political agenda, or the realization that a woman weighing 40 kg receives the same dose of heart medication as a man weighing 150 kg.
Unfortunately, even in 2023, women’s issues will not have the same attention and priority as men’s issues.
The good news: HCF (Healthcare Frauen e.V.) is a strong women’s network that is increasingly being seen and driving change. It’s great to be part of this family network and to be able to make my contribution.”
Dr. Silke Sittner
Founder and Managing Director NiSiPharm GmbH